“The Medicine of the future will be music and sound.”

Edgar Cayce


“I qualified as a Beauty Therapist in1988 with CIDESCO (international diploma) and BABTAC/ CIBTAC (British) diploma to my name.

Having worked on three different cruise liners and head therapist on the QE2 whilst travelling to far away destinations, becomming manager of a complimentary Health centre in London joining forces with Chase Bank dealing introducing alternative therapies near to the trade floor to help combat absenteeism due to stress, after making my mark in then the renound health club Holmes Place opening up two of the London branches, Trouble shooting in different spas across London with sales, productivity and product knowladge, and trained in over 15 different product companies, including La Prairie, Clarins, Decleor, Elemis, as well as working. All this before i started a family and then launched into opening up my own spa Laurabella.

Never taking myself away from hands on therapy, then qualifying as a sound therapist in 2013, I started to incorporate sound therapy with massage soon after.

Now I have developed my own technique which has evolved into an experience and is so much more than just a massage. Working from my purpose built studio very close to the spa, i have put my mark into this safe, warm haven of a room where peace and comfort take priority.

Emma Hill

After 35 years as a beauty therapist, I have learnt to expect the unexpected when it comes to blending sonic massage to enhance traditional therapeutic treatments.

I know that this ancient but evolving therapy, it leaves me spellbound, forever changing, constantly learning, stepping into scientific research and healing ancient problems. sound manipulates and twists the future like it has moulded the past”

Massage with a small blend of sonic sound therapy

  • I believe that every treatment should be unique and specific to your needs. All treatments start with a hands-on diagnosis followed by a tailor-made treatment plan for the time ahead. Emma is a knowledgeable and professional therapist who draws on years of experience to incorporate different techniques to soothe and treat problem areas resulting in a relaxing yet powerful massage.

    Emma prefers to offer longer massages so it enables time and care to get to the rout of the cause of pain, relieve tension and time to take you into a deep state of relaxation.

    Please note: Emma’s pressure is firm, very firm. If you like a very light massage then Emma might not be the right person for you and reccomends that you try Laurabella Spa as there are some excelant massage therapists who can offer different pressure to suit everyone.

  • 60 minutes massage £100

    90 minutes massage £150

Sound & Massage Ritual

  • This treatment is for clients who need quietness in mind as well as destressing with a massage.

    A unique treatment developed by Emma combining hot stone, mindfullness, massage with sound therapy. This takes you into a deep state of relaxation allowing the massage to have a stronger physical effect, then the sound works rewiring on a mental level and calming on an emotional level, it's a perfect combination.

    With your own personal sonic combination along with breathing and mindfulness techniques coupled with a firm deep massage, you experience a deep medative state of mind as well as relaxed from warm basalt sones deeply massaging your aching muscles. One stroke of a hot stone is as effective to 10 strokes of a hand. it pre heats the muscles, softening the muscle fibers so to break down toxins, stimulate the circulation and help lymphodema.

    A full consultation is carried out before the first treatment.

  • 120 Minute £200

    150 Minute £250

    180 Minute £300

Tibetan Anti-Stress Facial Massage

  • Sinusitis, Tinnitus, Blocked Ears, Blocked Estation Tubes, Grinding Teeth, Clenched Jaw, Vertigo, Headaches and Tension

    A Busy Mind, Over Thinking, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Sleeping Problems

    Using a combination of techniques from Tibetan bowls, massage, Hopi ear candles and tuning forks, there is a unique bespoke sonic tonic that will help sooth your condition and start making an impact both quietening internal noise as well as relaxing muscles, warming and stimulating stagnation, soothing wobbles and brings in a deep calm into your busy life.

    This treatment often comes with mentoring if needed, patience and tender care.

    Emma has treated all of the above with great success as well as many people who have just had a Stroke and diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease.

    Depending what is needed will often indicate how long the treatment lasts. Emma gives a though consultation before you start the treatment. Please note, in nearly all cases this treatment is recommended once a week for 4 weeks to soften and remove server blockages and cleanching of the jaw. It has often taken ages for the problems to become server and this takes time to release.

    With more severe problems you will need a course to get the maximum results.

    If Hopi ear candles are used the price goes to £110 but will become a 90 minute treatment with a full hour scalp massage

  • Individual sessions price starts at £75 for 50 minutes.

    Course of 4 is £280

    If Hopi ear candles are used the price goes to £110 but will become a 90 minute treatment with a full hour scalp massage

    Course of 4 is £400

    Individual Hopi Ear Candle - 40 minutes - £48

Specialised Hip Massage

  • if you have pain in your hips, it can be from a variety of problems. often the muscles become tight right around the side, radiating to the front, giving the feeling of weakness in the legs, pain getting up and down stairs and hard to get going if you have been sitting for any length of time.

    Emma has practiced as a massage therapist for many years and has some tricks up her sleeve to work on the muscles around the hips, giving instant relief as well as flexibility. this treatment is required one hour, three times once a week to give maximum results.

  • 50 Mins £75

    course of six £400

Bespoke One to One Sound Treatment

  • This therapy has an accumulating effect, a little like peeling an onion layer by layer. so to start this therapy especially if there is a certain condition we are treating, you to sign up for a course of five. You will be asked to come every week for 5 weeks. Each treatment may alter in time, but will last approximately 40 minutes. Emma doesn’t time watch, there seems to be a natural beginning and ending to the treatment. mostly from start to finish it takes approximately and hour.

    1st treatment is including a full consultation with a full sound treatment

    Thereafter a catch up consultation and full treatment.

    Last session, a conclusion to the treatments discussing the effects on ailments and full treatment.

    Whilst on a course eligible to 2 additional sound baths during the duration of the course

    Each session has to be 1 week apart

    Please note, I do not do this as an individual treatment, to get the true effects i feel strongly that at least 5 sessions need to taken.

    There after the first course, individual treatments (£65) maybe taken and with more space between treatments.

    The Treatment Format:

    After a introduction chat when you arrive and will set a clear intention for the session ahead.

    After i prepare the area with a bespoke sonic treatment designed for you. you stay fully clothed and lay on a couch, comfortable and warm.

    Sound is used to scan over and around your body to pick up areas of imbalance, dissonance or restrictions. Various sounds can be used to activate, unbind and shift these areas. harmonic sounds will then be used to balance, harmonise and align. All sounds are made with a loving intention for your highest good.

    After the sound there will be a short period of silence for you feel grounded and come back into the space.

    At the end of the session we will have another brief chat about your experiences during the treatment. I will make sure you feel clear and grounded before you leave.

  • 40-60 Mins every week for 5 weeks

    Course of 5 - £300

    There after £65 for one


Emma’s Sound Room is approximately 10 minutes away from Laurabella, The Barn in our own, purpose-built space. For more information, please contact above.




7.00PM - 8.00PM

Booking essential!

Allow time to chat and ground afterwards with acup of herbal tea or water

£25/ session | course of 6 for £120

Starting in April 2024


With Cacao Ritual

4PM - 5.00PM

Booking essential!

Allow time to chat and ground afterwards with acup of herbal tea or water

£30/ session | course of 6 for £160

Sound baths help facilitate a shift in brain waves through frequency and entertainment of sound.

It's possible, and very easy, to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), with the majority of people able to reach theta (meditative state) and even delta (where internal healing can occur). This experience is helpful for anyone who wants to give themselves a moment of relaxation or gain the benefits from meditation but has not yet mastered how to access inner peace on their own.
A sound bath is for groups of people at one time, we keep our low for relaxation and comfort. Please do bring along blanket, pillow or anything you need to feel comfortable and warm.


You are a living energy field. your body is composed of energy-producing particles, each of which is in constant motion. So, like everything and everyone else in the universe, you are vibrating and creating energy. to many people, The concept of energy fields in the body may sound more spiritual than medicinal. Research is being carried out to understand how electrical and magnetic energy in the body stimulate chemical processes. But there’s growing evidence that these energies can be used to influence your health outcomes.


Vibrations are a kind of rhythm.

Rhythms happen on a grand scale, like tidal patterns but they also happen within your body. heartbeats and breathing are examples of physiological rhythms we can see, feel, and measure. Much smaller vibrations are happening in your body, too. Inside each one of your cells, molecules vibrate at an alarming rate. researchers have detected vibrations on the nanoscale — much smaller than 1/1000th the diameter of a single human hair. These vibrations generate electromagnetic energy waves.

Researchers have known for a long time that thoughts and behaviours affect the rhythms in your body. for example, anxious thoughts trigger the release of stress hormones that stimulate your heart rate to speed up or slow down. The sound vibrations of music, likewise, affect thoughts, emotions, and body systems. vibrational energy experts think our behaviours and thoughts can also alter much smaller rhythms. It's thought possible to speed up or slow down the vibrations that occur at the cellular and atomic levels by changing our thoughts, behaviours — and even our surroundings.

Changing those nano vibrations, its thought, could ripple outward, affecting our mental state and physical health. This has been proved as often when treating the parent, the ripples of the treatment starts to alter the people around and situations change within the family dynamic.


A growing body of research suggests that there’s a strong connection between your mind and your body.

It isn’t yet understood how vibrational energy fits into the relationship between the two. scientists have proved you may be able to change your body’s vibrations to:

Alter your mood

Improve your physical health

Help you achieve your goals and intentions

Vibrational energy experts claim that certain emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, and acceptance, create high-frequency vibrations, while other feelings and mindsets (such as anger, despair and fear) vibrate at a lower rate.

There is plenty of evidence linking positive emotions and thinking patterns to better health and greater goal achievement.

Scientists are finding that vibrations of many kinds — electromagnetic, sound, and light — can be used to encourage healing and stimulate growth in the body.

The properties of sound effect us on all levels; clearing, shifting and promoting harmony, balance and alignment. 

From the soothing tones of your mother’s voice to the harsh raised voices that make us tight inside; a sound we hear can conjure up memories that evoke fear or brings joy.  Words that cut like a knife through your emotions, thoughts which can leave life-changing scars of encouragement and freedom or suppression and doubt.

So if we really think, about how sound has played an important part in who we are today, how we react is an echo of historic notes, then it makes sense to believe that sound can undo the negative and enhance well-being whilst healing our health, which will indeed change our future.

“Sound vibrates the body, moves the emotions, inspires the mind and touches the spirit. It is deeply relaxing, meditative and transformative. ”

— anon


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